ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen 2024-10-19T17:39:46+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>ELETTRA: Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen merupakan sebuah jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola dan diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Kristen Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan pemikiran yang berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap pengembangan ilmu Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen menerbitkan artikel ilmiah pada bulan Maret dan September. Setelah melalui proses seleksi, review, dan editing, maka semua konten artikel yang dipublikasikan sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.</p> <p><strong>Focus and Scope</strong>:</p> <ol> <li>Penyuluh Agama Kristen</li> <li>Teknik Penyuluh Agama</li> <li>Moderasi Beragama</li> <li>Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Kristen</li> <li>Psikologi Jemaat Gereja</li> <li>Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Kristen</li> <li>Sosiologi Agama Krsiten</li> <li>Bimbingan Konseling Kristen</li> </ol> Pandangan Etika Kristen Tentang Berbusana Bagi Wanita Kristen 2023-11-01T19:38:25+07:00 Murni Zalukhu <p>Pada saat ini, semakin berkembangnya zaman maka semakin banyak perubahan yang kita temui. Bukan hanya dalam era digital saja namun pada cara setiap orang berpenampilan dengan style pakaian yang digunakan. Penggunaan pakaian pada zaman ini tidak lagi memperhatikan nilai etik yang ada dalam masyarakat. 1 Timotius 2:9 telah menjelaskan bagaimana seorang wanita dituntut untuk berpakaian dengan sopan dan benar, dan mampu memilih pakaian yang berkenan di hadapan Allah sesuai kitab suci. Seperti hal nya perempuan-perempuan Yahudi yang menggunakan penutup kepala untuk dan penggunaan jubah yang menutupi tubuh mereka, dan hal ini perlu dicontoh. Bukan tentang mereka yang menggunakan jubah dan penutup kepala, namun tentang cara berpakaian yang sopan dan benar yang tidak melanggar etika keKristenan. Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk memberitahukan bagaimana seorang wanita Kristen yang sesungguhnya berpakaian melalui metode penulisan studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan beberapa informaasi yang relevan dengan tulisan melalui buku, jurnal, majalah, dan sumber lainnya.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen Psikologi Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Kaitannya dengan Pelayanan Penyuluhan Agama Kristen 2024-10-11T13:37:37+07:00 Sari Mutiara Sinaga Lestari Debora Sitorus Andar Gunawan Pasaribu Ester Claudia <p><em>This journal discusses the important role of Christian religious education psychology in Christian religious extension services. Psychology of Christian Religious Education plays an important role in shaping the character of target instructors, making them committed and ethical Christians. The aim of this research is for every counselor or educator to understand the importance of having psychological knowledge to make it easier for Christian religious counselors to convey formal and non-formal knowledge well to targets or clients. The research method applied is a literature study by investigating various literature sources related to Christian religious education. In conclusion, by understanding the mental condition of the target, religious counselors can determine the appropriate steps to encourage the individual to follow the invitation in a religious and development context.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen Etika Kristen dalam Penyuluhan : Mengembangkan Karakter dan Memimpin dengan Kasih 2024-10-07T10:32:17+07:00 Epi Phania Napitupulu Regina BM Nainggolan Lamtiur Pasaribu <p>This paper discusses the important role of counseling in helping individuals or groups overcome problems, develop potential, and make better decisions in various aspects of their lives. The main focus is counseling within a Christian framework, which not only provides practical guidance, but is also rooted in the Christian ethics underlying moral and spiritual values. Christian ethics, which are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and biblical principles such as love, honesty, justice, and wisdom, play a central role in Christian counseling. This ethic provides a moral foundation for Christian extension workers to help individuals develop strong Christian character and lead with love. In addition, this paper discusses how extension can be used to promote Christian values in an increasingly diverse society. Christian counseling is an important tool for communicating Christian teachings to different levels of society and facilitating respectful interfaith dialogue. This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of how Christian ethics and extension work together to create a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities.</p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen Implementasi Moderasi Beragama dalam Konteks Masyarakat di Tapanuli Utara 2024-10-19T17:39:46+07:00 Chiristin IG Pakpahan Roarta Marpaung Kristin Simanullang Tiur Imeldawati <p><em>The research aims to explain religious moderation activities, the high sense of religious moderation and the impacts obtained when religious moderation is implemented. There is a moderate religious attitude in the Batak community who live in North Tapanuli, and this research also aims to increase knowledge and insight for writers and readers.</em> <em>Indonesia, as a multicultural country with different ethnicities, races and religions, of course often experiences division and conflict, as does the Batak community in North Tapanuli which already consists of various kinds of differences, including religion. Because of this, the Batak community collaborated with the Tarutung State Christian Institute to form a moderation village which in the future it is hoped that the implementation of moderation can be even more effective.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen Efektivitas Penyuluhan Dengan Media Power Point (PPT) Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Umat Buddha Di Vihara Cipta Sarana Budhi WonogiriI 2024-10-07T10:40:28+07:00 Hendrik Situ Asih Dwi Maryani Rispatiningsih <p><em>The Effectiveness of Counseling Using Power Point Media (PPT) to Increase the Knowledge of Buddhists at the Cipta Sarana Budhi Wonogiri Temple. Thesis, Dharmaduta Study Program, Raden Wijaya State Buddhist College, Wonogiri, Central Java.</em></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>The counseling process is an activity carried out by religious instructors for people or society with the aim of strengthening and strengthening beliefs (saddha). Counseling is said to be successful if the instructor can increase people's confidence and knowledge about the teachings of Buddhism. The aim of this research is to find out how effective the Power Point (PPT) media is in delivering education to increase the knowledge of Buddhists at the Cipta Sarana Budhi Vihara regarding gambling from a Buddhist perspective.</em></p> <p><em>This research is quantitative research using a pre-experimental survey method and a one-group pretest-posttest design model. This research uses a quantitative approach and data collection techniques by conducting an initial test (pretest) before implementing the intervention, and a final test (posttest) after implementing the intervention. The subjects of this research were 31 Buddhists. Before use, the instrument was tested on 15 people, but not research subjects with the aim of obtaining a valid and reliable measuring instrument.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research show that, after being given counseling using PPT media, the level of knowledge of Buddhists at the Cipta Sarana Budhi Temple regarding gambling material from a Buddhist perspective, the knowledge of Buddhists who were given the counseling experienced a very significant increase, namely by 109.94%</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Counseling, Power Point Media (PPT), Gambling</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ELETTRA : Jurnal Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama Kristen