Penyuluhan Terhadap Lansia: Mengenali Karakteristik Para Lansia


  • Tiarma Fitri Br Malau IAKN Tarutung
  • Susiwaty Silitonga Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Santa Agustrina Hutagalung Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung


Elderly is a condition that affects humans and is caused by the aging process that occurs throughout life, not just at a certain point. A more precise definition explains that old in this sense can be assessed from several aspects including age, emotions, and intelligence. Elderly is someone who has reached the age of 60 and over and the aging process will have an impact on various views of life. With qualitative research, the results of the discussion of this study are that an elderly person has characteristics that must be accepted by his surroundings starting from the family and local community and when a person reaches the age of As they get older, they have to face a number of setbacks, such as physical decline which is characterized by loose skin, gray hair, poor hearing, poor eyesight, slow movement, and a body type that is not suitable for professional work.

Keywords: characteristics of the elderly, religious counseling





