Peran Gereja dalam Mendorong Keadilan Sosial dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat bagi Insan dengan Disabilitas


  • Resmi Hutasoit Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Anugerah Sinagoge Medan


The church as a spiritual community offers a process of continuous life change towards perfection. The church has a mission to bring the values of the Kingdom of God to the world, so that the saving work of Jesus Christ can be preached through the life of the church itself. The Bible is a guide for Christians who are believed to be a life guide to doing good and always fighting for justice and common prosperity. Many social figures use Jesus as an example in the Bible to fight for justice, an example that is always a source to gain
courage in difficult times. The Bible explains how God actually sides with weak people. Therefore, the church must not remain silent and witness suffering and unfair treatment as well as acts of discrimination against people with disabilities and the church should not be involved in any form of injustice and discrimination regarding this matter. This study explains the role of the church in promoting justice for people with disabilities. The method used is historical analysis and literature review of social books, theories of justice and other literature on disability. The result is a theological finding where the church and society are more open and provide equal space for people with disabilities, so that justice and prosperity can be felt by all humans.





