Kekristenan dan Dilema Pluralisme


  • Julius Parapat Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Anugerah Sinagoge Medan


kekristenan, pluralisme


Problems are more likely to occur when entering the era of globalization. A Catholic priest from Yogjakarta, named Sumartana, contributed the idea that in the era of globalization there is a real need for a new approach when understanding religion. Sumartana said that all humans have a "divine light". He is in the world because God created him. In essence, humans are good creatures, because they have a "divine light", in Christian theology the image and likeness of God. Sumartana gave advice so that the dialogue does not include which teachings are correct and must be implemented. Because dialogue does not show who is superior and inferior. A good religion has a high vision or commitment to humanity, namely a humanistic religious mission, not just increasing the number of religious adherents. The method used in this paper is an analysis of the history of the development of diversity of beliefs through books and historical documents and literature reviews by examining the results of previous research, both journals, theses and reviewing literature on books with a social mix. The purpose of writing this article is how Christianity responds to religious diversity, finding the theological meaning where diverse religions provide a humanistic mission for the continuity of everyday life.








