Etika Kristen dalam Penyuluhan : Mengembangkan Karakter dan Memimpin dengan Kasih


  • Epi Phania Napitupulu Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Regina BM Nainggolan Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Lamtiur Pasaribu STT Injili Indonesia Medan


Christian Ethics, Character Development, Religious Counseling


This paper discusses the important role of counseling in helping individuals or groups overcome problems, develop potential, and make better decisions in various aspects of their lives. The main focus is counseling within a Christian framework, which not only provides practical guidance, but is also rooted in the Christian ethics underlying moral and spiritual values. Christian ethics, which are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and biblical principles such as love, honesty, justice, and wisdom, play a central role in Christian counseling. This ethic provides a moral foundation for Christian extension workers to help individuals develop strong Christian character and lead with love. In addition, this paper discusses how extension can be used to promote Christian values in an increasingly diverse society. Christian counseling is an important tool for communicating Christian teachings to different levels of society and facilitating respectful interfaith dialogue. This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of how Christian ethics and extension work together to create a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities.

Author Biographies

Regina BM Nainggolan, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Prodi Pendidikan Penyuluh Agama

Lamtiur Pasaribu, STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Prodi Pendidikan Agama Kristen





