Menyikapi Aksi Terorisme Terhadap Anggota Polri Di Indonesia

Analisa Sosio-Teologis


  • Mick Mordekhai Sopacoly Pusat Studi Agama, Pluralisme, dan Demokrasi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.


This paper is part of case studies aimed at analyzing cases of terrorism in the name of religion that have befallen Polri members in Indonesia in recent years. Terrorists declare war directly with the police because they are considered to be obstacles, thoguts, and even kafirs so that many Polri members have died in terror incidents. Terrorists attack members of the National Police who, because of their duties, are at the forefront of upholding the law and eradicating cases of terrorism. This paper used a pastoral circle analysis approach, namely description, analysis, theological reflection, and action. This study concluded that the National Police has an important role because its existence is permitted by God as a guardian, protector of the community, and not the enemy as assumed by acts of terrorism which are influenced by unhealthy religious teachings.




